- All participants in the sweepstakes activity must be Malaysian citizens.
- The sweepstakes activity starts from 1.5.2022 ended at 30.9.2022, all invoices must be within this date to be eligible for the sweepstakes activity.
- Pixiu Berhad Big Sweepstakes will be presented in the form of live broadcast. Participants need to attend the whole live broadcast, and the keywords will be given during the live broadcast. If any participant is found to be no attend in live broadcast, it will be considered as automatically disqualified. The date of the official sweepstakes will be announced separately.
- Only those who place an order according to the product package set by Pixiu Berhad are eligible to participate in the sweepstake activity. The set product package includes:
Package 1: 1 set of Onmim 5 Elements Energy Mask [1 set 5 boxes(Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth each 1 box), 1 box of 5pcs]
Package 2: 2 boxes of Pixiu Money Mother
Package 3: Treasure Growth Pixiu + Citrine 1 Bracelet.
No other products are eligible for this sweepstakes activity. - The car presented in this sweepstake activity is a brand new Perodua 2022 1.5L Myvi full specification, the color of the car is white (Winnner are not allowed to changed color). The car is completely free to the winner. If the winner is selected, they must slack off all relevant identification documents and come to Johor Bahru to pick up the car in person. Winner need to pay for any expenses that may be involved in addition to the price of the car.
- 所有参加抽奖活动的参与者必须是马来西亚公民。
- 抽奖活动日期开始于1.5.2022至30.9.2022结束,所有的单据必须在此日期以内才具备参加抽奖活动的资格。
- 貔貅集团大型抽奖活动将会以直播的形式呈现,参与者需要全程出席直播,关键词将会在直播时给出,如果发现有任何参与者不再现场直播,将被视为自动取消资格。正式抽奖的日期将会另作宣布。
- 只有按照貔貅集团设定好的产品配套下单才具备参加抽奖活动的资格,设定好的产品配套有;
其他产品均无法获得此抽奖活动的参与资格。 - 此抽奖活动送出的车是全新的第二国产车2022年1.5L迈威完整规格,轿车颜色是白色(不能更换颜色)。轿车是完全免费赠送给得奖者。得奖者如果被抽中,必须懈怠所有相关身份证明文件,并亲身莅临柔佛新山领车。得奖者必须负担所有车价以外,有可能会牵涉到的任何费用。